Khandallah Road Horse Trough

Heritage object

Khandallah Road, Ngaio, Wellington
  • Constructed


  • Architect(s)


  • Builder(s)


  • The Khandallah Road Horse Trough is a simple and utilitarian structure that was designed to fulfil a specific purpose. It is in no way elaborately designed, but does possess a simple elegance.

    It is difficult to establish the level of importance that the Khandallah Road Horse Trough holds as there is so little information associated with it (that could be discovered at the time of writing). If it is associated with the Old Porirua Road, the stockades, and the development of links between Wellington and smaller centres, it is of local importance.

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  • close History
    • There is little known about the history of the Khandallah Road Horse Trough, and little information exists detailing its date of construction or its period of use.

      It seems likely that it was constructed during the time in which the Old Porirua Road was in use. The Porirua Road developed out of a private road created by Captain Daniell to his farm in Ngaio in 1843. The area was cleared and the Porirua Road was completed by1846. The road supported several stockades and became a popular road in and out of the suburb. The Old Porirua Road was one of the most significant activities in the area, linking Wellington with the small settlements of Porirua and Paremata. The Porirua Road largely superceded the Kaiwharawhara Bridle Track, which had previously been the major route out of Wellington.  

      The horse trough appears to be simply constructed in concrete and designed to be functional.

  • close Architectural Information
    • Building Classification(s) close

      Not assessed

    • Architecture close
      The Khandallah Road Horse Trough is a simple and utilitarian structure. It is constructed in concrete.
    • Materials close


    • Setting close
      The Khandallah Road Horse Trough is situated on a flat grassy area parallel to the Khandallah Road in front of a backdrop of mature bush. It is behind a wooden fence that may be contemporaneous with it.
  • close Cultural Value
    • The Khandallah Road Horse Trough is a simple and utilitarian structure that was designed to fulfil a specific purpose. It is in no way elaborately designed, but does possess a simple elegance.
    • It is difficult to establish the level of importance that the Khandallah Road Horse Trough holds as there is so little information associated with it (that could be discovered at the time of writing). If it is associated with the Old Porirua Road, the stockades, and the development of links between Wellington and smaller centres, it is of local importance. 
    • Aesthetic Value close
      • Architectural

        Does the item have architectural or artistic value for characteristics that may include its design, style, era, form, scale, materials, colour, texture, patina of age, quality of space, craftsmanship, smells, and sounds?

        The Khandallah Road Horse Trough is a simple and utilitarian structure that was designed to fulfil a specific purpose. It is in no way elaborately designed, but does possess a simple elegance. 

      • Townscape

        Does the item have townscape value for the part it plays in defining a space or street; providing visual interest; its role as a landmark; or the contribution it makes to the character and sense of place of Wellington?

        The Khandallah Road Horse Trough has some townscape value as it is visible from Khandallah Road and adds historic character to the area. 

    • Historic Value close

      Not assessed

    • Scientific Value close

      Not assessed

    • Social Value close

      Not assessed

    • Level of Cultural Heritage Significance close
      • Representative

        Is the item a good example of the class it represents?

        The Khandallah Road Horse Trough is a good representative of a utilitarian concrete horse trough. If it is associated with the Old Porirua Road it is representative of the time in which horses were the primary transportation option and when these types of public amenities were common. 

      • Authentic

        Does the item have authenticity or integrity because it retains significant fabric from the time of its construction or from later periods when important additions or modifications were carried out?

        It appears that the Khandallah Road Horse Trough has had no alterations or modifications, meaning that it has a high level or authenticity. 

      • Importance

        Is the item important at a local, regional, national, or international level?

        It is difficult to establish the level of importance that the Khandallah Road Horse Trough holds as there is so little information associated with it (that could be discovered at the time of writing). If it is associated with the Old Porirua Road, the stockades, and the development of links between Wellington and smaller centres, it is of local importance. 

    • Local / Regional / National / International Importance close

      Not assessed

  • close Site Detail
    • District Plan Number


    • Legal Description

      Road Reserve

    • Heritage New Zealand Listed

      Not listed

    • Archaeological Site


    • Current Uses


    • Former Uses


    • Has building been funded


    • Funding Amount

      Not applicable

    • Earthquake Prone Status


  • close Additional Information

Last updated: 9/25/2017 8:31:21 PM